Frequently asked questions

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If you haven't found the answer, contact Support.


Working with a skill

How to create a smart home skill

See the instructions under Create a skill.

Can I move a skill from one account to another?

Yes Write to support. The skill will be moved within two weeks.

To avoid moving branded skills from your employees' personal accounts, create such skills from corporate accounts.

Why isn't the skill responding to the user?

The waiting time for a response from the skill is three seconds. If Yango Dialogs doesn't get a response within three seconds, the session ends. Yasmina tells the user that the skill is not responding.

What steps of request processing go into these three seconds?

This three-second interval includes the following steps:

  1. Setting up a network connection.
  2. Sending a request over the network from the Yango Dialogs server to the skill server.
  3. Generating a response.
  4. Sending a response over the network from the skill server back to the Yango Dialogs server.
How do I delete smart home devices if I have deleted my skill?
To completely remove devices from the smart home list, first delete the room where they are located:
  1. Open the  Yango Play app.
  2. Tap Gear icon  → Homes → [Home name] → Rooms.
  3. Choose [Room name] → Trash icon  → Continue.

After that, when you open a device page, you will see the settings screen with the Delete device button at the bottom.

Can I set up notifications about device state change?

An asynchronous protocol is required for such notifications. It's not used in Yango Dialogs.

Why do I get the error "Couldn't update the device list"?

The reason is that SSL certificates are installed incorrectly. Check their status using the SSL Labs online service.

For the skill to run correctly, set up the SSL certificate chain on the web server or in the provider service.

Access settings

Where can I set up skill access?
  1. In the developer console, open the skill.
  2. On the Settings tab, find the Access type field.
  3. Select a value:
    • Private, to make the skill available only to you or users you share the skill with.
    • Public, to open access to the skill for everyone.
How do I create a skill just for myself?

Open the skill in the developer console, then on the Settings tab, in the Access type field, select Private.

Moderation and publication

Why did my skill fail moderation?
Skill settings don't match the requirements. To see the reason, select the skill in the developer console, then go to the General → Analyzing results tab.
How do I submit a private skill for moderation?

To submit a private skill for self-moderation, select the skill in the developer console, then click Deploy.

How can I cancel moderation if my skill has been approved?

Open the skill in the developer console, then click Return to development.

Why has my skill been blocked after publication?

If your skill doesn't respond for several hours or users have reported it, the skill gets blocked. Check that the skill matches its operating protocol, fix errors, and resubmit it for moderation.

Why can't I find my published skill in the Yango Play app?

The skill will become searchable within 24 hours of publication. To get a link to a skill, open it in the developer console and go to the Promotion tab. The direct link will appear within 10 minutes after publication.

Skill certification

Can I create a skill without certifying equipment first?

You can create a Yango Smart Home skill without certification, but you won't be able to use the “Works with Yasmina” badge in your promotional materials.

How do I get the “Works with Yasmina” badge?

To get the badge, certify your device and publish the skill. For more information, see How to certify a device.