Creation and settings

Attention. For branded skills, use shared corporate accounts rather than the employees' personal accounts.

Read the concept of smart home control. To create a skill, open the developer console and click Create dialog → Smart home. Open the Settings tab and fill in the required fields.

Language and description

For a skill to pass moderation, all settings (name, description, icon, and so on) should comply with formal requirements.


The language of the skill, which determines which country your skill can be published in. The name, description, and subtitle should be written in this language.


The name of the skill.

Skill name requirements:

  • It consists of at least 2 words, not counting prepositions (we recommend a maximum of 4 words). You may use a one-word name if it's the unique name of your brand.
  • The same name doesn't already exist.
  • It doesn't match a general category of products, services, or content (for example, “plastic windows”).
  • It doesn't contain the words “Smart home”, “Yasmina”, or “Yango”.
A brief description of the skill for the list of smart home skills in the  Yango Play app.

Description of the skill that will appear in the  Yango Play app. The final description is generated from the following fields:

  • Devices Connection: A pre-filled text field with placeholders that the skill author needs to fill in.
  • List of Supported Devices.
  • Support URL (for official skills only).

You need to add your own description for each language.

In the description, you can use the Markdown syntax:

  • Headers:

    # Level one
    ## Level two
    ### Level three
  • Quotes:

    > Text to
    > pay attention to.
  • Lists:

    * bulleted
    * list
    1. numbered
    2. list
Additional language

Click the Add language button to make the skill description available in another language. Also provide the name, subtitle, and description in the additional language.

If you don't provide a description in the specified language, the first language from the list is used.

Regions and countries

Publication countries
Restriction. If you use different handlers for different countries, you need to create multiple skills because you can only specify one Backend URL for one skill.

All countries where the skill is supported are automatically selected on the All available tab depending on the specified languages.

You can edit the list on the Your selection tab by deselecting the countries the skill shouldn't be published in.

For a country to become selectable, you need to use at least one of the languages of that country for your skill.

In the  Yango Play app, the user can select their region, which will display a list of skills available in that region.

General settings


The parameters of the skill handler that accepts the user's requests via Yango Dialogs and responds to them.


The skill response waiting time is 3 seconds. If Yango Smart Home gets no response within this time, Yasmina alerts the user that devices aren't responding for a long time. If you manage devices in Smart Home → Devices, the user will see an error message and the request ID.

This 3-second interval includes:

  • Setting up a network connection.
  • The time needed to deliver the request to the skill's server.
  • The time needed to execute the skill.
  • The time needed to deliver the response to Yasmina's servers.
Attention. The response length must not exceed 5000 characters, the length of the OAuth token or refresh token must not exceed 2048 characters. Token lifetime (the expires_in property) must be an integer between 1 and 4,294,967,296.

The address to which requests will be sent. The handler must run on HTTPS, and the address must specify the protocol, for example

Access type

There are the following types of access to a published skill:

  • Public: The skill is visible to all Yasmina users.

  • Private: The skill is only available to you (on all surfaces where you are authorized as the skill creator).

    A private skill isn't sent for moderation, but is published right away. Grant individual access to it to Yango users. For more information about private skills, see Skill access.

    Once published, the private skill will appear in the  Yango Play app. In the upper-right corner of the  Yango Play app, tap Plus and select Smart home device. You will find the skill in the list of popular manufacturers.


Developer's name
Skill author's name.
Developer's email
Skill developer's contact information (the Yango email address of the account logged in to Dialogs is used by default).
Official skill

Indicates that it's an official brand skill, and the developer is a device manufacturer or the official representative of the manufacturer.

Website for verifying the rights to use the brand

Website address for the skill.

We'll make sure that you own the rights to the brand. Only you can use your brand and official website for your skill.

Notes for the moderator

Provide testing information:

  • Test account to verify skill authorization.
  • Devices needed for the skill to work. The Dialogs team will ask for these devices from you during verification.

The skill image.

Icon requirements:

  • Format: PNG or JPG.
  • Size: 224 × 224 pixels or more. The image size will be reduced automatically if necessary.
  • The icon can feature the brand name or logo specified in the skill name and description.

Frequently asked questions

Why isn't the skill responding to the user?

The waiting time for a response from the skill is three seconds. If Yango Dialogs doesn't get a response within three seconds, the session ends. Yasmina tells the user that the skill is not responding.

Can I move a skill from one account to another?

Yes Write to support. The skill will be moved within two weeks.

To avoid moving branded skills from your employees' personal accounts, create such skills from corporate accounts.

What steps of request processing go into these three seconds?

This three-second interval includes the following steps:

  1. Setting up a network connection.
  2. Sending a request over the network from the Yango Dialogs server to the skill server.
  3. Generating a response.
  4. Sending a response over the network from the skill server back to the Yango Dialogs server.
