Certification of smart home devices

If you are a smart home device manufacturer or an official manufacturer's representative, you can certify your devices for Yasmina.

The device will get the “Works with Yasmina” badge that can be used on marketing materials, packaging, and devices. See how to use the badge in the design rules.

We certify a device or family of devices rather than the manufacturer's brand or product portfolio. The certification may be revoked.

  1. How to certify a device
  2. Requirements for devices to be tested
  3. Revoking certification

How to certify a device

  1. Create a public skill on Yango Dialogs.

    When creating a skill, enter your contact details as an official manufacturer representative: Yango will make this skill official.

  2. Pass moderation.

You can certify a device family, if devices from the family are identical from the user viewpoint.

  • It is possible to certify as one device a series of diode tapes that differ in length or color, or electric kettles with different handles or housing material.
  • You can't certify as one device a diode tape and a ceiling lamp or functionally different electric kettles (for example, varying in temperature control).

Requirements for devices to be tested

  • You can submit your device for testing if it doesn't require additional electrical installation or assembly (we do not accept unmounted light switches and outlets, electrical relays, and other related devices). Prepare a mobile demo stand if necessary.
  • For light bulbs with bases other than E14, E27, and GU10, make sure to supply a cartridge and plug.
  • The user should be able to connect devices via a mobile app or the provider's dashboard without contacting the developer.
  • In response to the Information about user devices request for tested devices, the provider must return the manufacturer name and model (device_info.manufacturer and device_info.model properties).
Attention. The requirements below come into effect on January 1, 2023.
  • The device should allow to control all its functions from the manufacturer's app if the Yango Smart Home platform has skills for them. For example, if a vacuum cleaner has different cleaning modes in the smart home app, these modes should also be available in the provider's skill.
  • The provider should use the notification platform to send device state events. Any change in the device state outside of the Yango Smart Home platform needs to be transferred to the notification service. For example, the user turns off the device in the provider's app or by pressing a button on the device. The service is expected to send a device turn off event to the Smart Home platform using the notification service. Similarly, the information about sensor data changes (temperature/humidity change or door opening) is expected to be transferred to the notification service. During skill testing, the moderator checks whether these events are received.

In the device_info.manufacturer and device_info.model fields, pass the manufacturers and models shown on the device packages (SKUs). If the product name is different from the model, select the model. Let's say that “Smart light bulb” is written on the packaging, and the on-box specification lists the model. Enter this model in the device_info.model field when integrating with Yango Smart Home.

Revoking certification

Certification is revoked if more than 5% of requests to the certified device models resulted in an error over a four-week period.

After the certification is revoked, the “Works with Yasmina” badge can't be used for devices that support the skill. Yango notifies your manager responsible for the skill that you must stop using the badge in your marketing materials (including internet content, packaging, and so on) within four weeks.
